February 12, 2016


February 12, 2016

v.143 n.3

February 12, 2016

v.143 n.3

Choose Your Illusion

To judge by the pilot, the TV version of "The Magicians" will be a fast-paced and workmanlike distillation of Lev Grossman’s enthralling and often moving trilogy.

'Pure Act'

It is the purpose Michael N. McGregor’s biography of Robert Lax to move him out from under the shadow of Merton’s personality and give him his own place in the sun.

'Shakespeare and Abraham'

In Ken Jackson's reading, Abraham points to the possibility of offering a truly generous gift, a gift for which one would hope for nothing in return.

'The Good Book'

Writers engage biblical texts ranging from the Psalms to a single parable.Their essays are wildly heterogeneous in tone and method, kind of like the Bible itself.


O’Donnell’s distinctive point is that “paganism” is entirely an invention of Christianity—a definition of the “other” that paralleled fourth-century Christianity.


The title of Paolo Sorrentino's latest doesn’t refer to a fixed stage in life but to the mysterious inner spark—as much spiritual as biological—that keeps us going.

Poem | Sandpiper

He flies only to scurry along another / reach of surf where he / pricks the cold for / prey smaller / than grains of prose. The freedom / to guess right is his...
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