December 4, 2015


December 4, 2015

v.142 n.19

December 4, 2015

v.142 n.19

Poem | The Old Wall

Arch after arch set in the brick, / Rosettes along them, pebble-thick; // Draped, helmed, armed figures, scribes with scrolls, / And eagles in their leafy holes:...

Mediterranean Travels

Historical reminders of how the Mediterranean connects Europe, Asia, and Africa at least as often as it separates the three continents from one another.

Conversation Starters

Reasoning with rants, processing trauma through painting, and Tweeting with the pontiff: Maybe there's a long German word to capture the experience?

Not Just for Kids

Girlhoods, boyhoods, childhoods, "freindships": Youth is the setting (and subject) in works by Jane Austen, J.M. Coetzee, Michael Ondaatje, and Leo Tolstoy.

Lights in the Firmament

The case for "youthful credulity" when reading; Don DeLillo's moral but discomforting vision; a new translation of Julian of Norwich's 'Revelations of Divine Love.'

Close to the Madding Crowd

A biographical novel for Thomas Hardy fans; a theory on how Christianity came to dominate Europe; short poems; and the fascinating (true) tale of a house in Germany.
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