Fabio Morábito

Fabio Morábito is a poet, fiction writer, and essayist. Born of Italian parents in Alexandria, Egypt, he has lived in Mexico City for over forty years. His many awards include the Carlos Pellicer Prize for his first book of poems, Lotes baldíos, and the Antonin Artaud Prize for his short story collection, Grieta de fatiga. Kathleen Snodgrass is the author of The Fiction of Hortense Calisher (1993). Her translations of Mexican poets have appeared in such journals as Boulevard Magenta and Poetry London, and in the anthology Mexican Poetry Today (Shearsman Books, 2010).


Poem | Untitled

There’s only song / because there are mountains, / because mountains distort / what we say, / and that’s / how song takes shape— / with words twisted / by hills...
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