Given his upcoming schedule—including perhaps meeting with Donald Trump—it's appropriate Pope Francis set off from a basilica that honors ecumenical witness
The parallel legitimacy of the non-reformed and reformed liturgies has caused and perpetuated confusion and division in the church. How did this happen?
In America, find a stark critic of Pope Francis on Amoris Letitia, and you are extremely likely to also find a libertarian and a climate science denier
Who is behind the poster campaign to smear the pope in Rome? His conservative opponents within the church, or his nationalist and far-right political foes?
Cardinal Burke and Steve Bannon share an ominous clash-of-civilizations ideology. They fear progressive movements. Their “meeting of hearts” is nothing to celebrate.
The tightly controlled and highly centralized approach to the translation of liturgical texts that has reigned over the past fifteen years may be coming to an end.
Was Fr. Spadaro’s metaphor such a big mistake—or a mistake at all? I don’t think it was, but even if he did fall off the theological high wire, these things happen.