A collection of Commonweal’s writing about ‘Fratelli tutti,’ Pope Francis’s most recent papal encyclical, including the symposium from the December 2020 issue.
Viruses may not be alive, but they are lively. A close look at how they replicate reveals an interconnected picture not just of human life, but of all reality.
For all the supposed fragility of the Church’s institutional system, its persistence is undiminished. It remains, and likely will remain, highly clerical.
The latest manifesto from archbishop Viganò descends into intellectual and moral farce, when what the world really needs from the church is true gravitas.
The acquittal of Cardinal George Pell doesn’t bring an end to the ‘Pell matter,’ since his release means different things to different constituencies in the church.
Service, self-abnegation, solidarity, fraternity, courage: in the trial at hand, the grace of conversion is available to the whole of humanity—including the church.
This COVID-19 crisis is the kind of emergency that in the last two centuries has amplified the advantage the institutional papacy has over local churches.