October 24, 2014


Icons of Hope

John E. Thiel's theological writing has always combined poise and a sense of urgency, and this intricately argued treatise on eternal life is no exception.

Poem | On Nature

I, too, see God adumbrations, I, too, write / a book on love. Who, here, appears, to touch the skin. / Hundreds of thousands of square miles of lost...

Poem | We Lived

We lived in the long intolerable called God. / We seemed happy. // I don’t mean content I mean heroin happy, / donkey dentures...

Accepting the Disaster

Almost every poem in Joshua Mehigan's collection contains a striking formal moment, where he uses meter or rhyme or line break to do something surprising.

'Love Is Strange'

What’s quietly revelatory about 'Love Is Strange' is that its creators didn’t feel the need to turn it into a social-protest document.

Two Faiths

Commonweal refused to abandon its belief in democracy or Catholic truth, arguing that in the modern world the health of one was related to the health of the other.

Cards & Letters

For our ninetieth anniversary issue, we asked some former staff members (and our current marketing coordinator) to write about working at Commonweal.

Close Encounters

For our ninetieth anniversary issue, we asked some former staff members (and our current marketing coordinator) to write about working at Commonweal.

Finding a Voice

For our ninetieth anniversary issue, we asked some former staff members (and our current marketing coordinator) to write about working at Commonweal.

Healthy Argument

For our ninetieth anniversary issue, we asked some former staff members (and our current marketing coordinator) to write about working at Commonweal.

Only Connect

For our ninetieth anniversary issue, we asked some former staff members (and our current marketing coordinator) to write about working at Commonweal.

Seeing Many Sides

For our ninetieth anniversary issue, we asked some former staff members (and our current marketing coordinator) to write about working at Commonweal.
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