May 2, 2014


May 2, 2014

v.141 n.8

May 2, 2014

v.141 n.8

Writing a Life

How should a fair-minded biographer deal with a literary subject’s “sensational underside,” and when does that endeavor turn into "pathography"?

Deluge & Delusion

Darren Aronofsky, a master of misery, is very much in his element in 'Noah' as he envisions the sinful self-destruction of nearly the whole damned human race.

Goodbye to All That

By 1982, although nominally still a Democrat, Michael Novak had become an enthusiast for Reaganomics and for every Republican administration to follow.

Out of One, Many?

The Protestant Establishment once dominated American politics and intellectual life. Then, in the course of a decade or two, its authority collapsed.

Unwarranted Certainty

An increasing number of cosmologists now believe in the existence of a multiverse. It’s a thrilling prospect; but does a multiverse really exist?

The Shape of Evil

With her ambitious second novel, Paula Huston jumps into the territory where politics and religion meet, and she's equipped with a wide-angle lens.

Poem | Witness

Typically cryptic, God said three weasels / slipping electric over the rocks / one current conducting them up the tree ...
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