If a president says anything critical about what Christians may have done at any point in history, he's destined to be attacked for engaging in “moral equivalence."
Tracing the political thought of Israel's founding father, Shlomo Avineri reminds readers that the Zionism of Herzl's time is very different from Zionism today.
In defending the use of drones, Obama has classical just-war tradition on his side. But just-war tradition has come to be read in a new and legalistic way.
Ancient religions that have survived centuries are often the most persecuted: Mandaeans, Yazidis, Zoroastrians, Druze, Samaritans, Copts, and the Kalasha.
Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again? In light of reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear we can't.
Recent evidence suggests that if we intervene in Syria, we are less likely to end the suffering than to compound it, stretching the killing out over decades.
It's not the case that Francis has little interest in theological exchanges. Rather, interreligious friendships are more the basis for dialogue than its by-product.
The current situation in Iraq may pull the United States back into that country, and thus threatens to undermine Obama’s efforts to reorient American foreign policy.
Cheney's Obama polemic would be outrageous even if our former vice president’s record on Iraq was one of absolute clairvoyance. But he was wrong in almost every way.
If you doubt the cost of indulging in political pieties rather than political organizing, compare the influence of Occupy Wall Street with the Tea Party.