Iran’s nuclear ambitions are a serious problem, but demanding complete Iranian capitulation, either at the negotiating table or on the battlefield, is no solution.
A fear that the United States not only has decisively lost its power in the region, but is also responsible for why everything seems to be going wrong.
The opportunity to roll back Iran’s nuclear program should not be forfeited because of the belligerent posturing of Netanyahu and hawks on Capitol Hill.
If we had reason to be confident that bombing some of Assad’s assets would save more Syrians than it would kill, armed intervention might be warranted. We don't.
Many Syrian Christians who wouldn’t deny Assad’s record of repressing political opponents would rather put up with that than live under the rule of Islamists.
What is the source of the division between Sunnis and Shi‘ites, and how prevalent is this bifurcation in the Islamic world, a community of more than 1.6 billion?