Article Poem | Ghost Trees “Now a certain kind of scientist says / the weather in various parts of the world / is growing exhausted and just wants to lie down / for a nap” By Michael Hettich May 19, 2018 Poetry
Article Action Heroes Bernard McGinn is at pains to erase caricatures of Spanish mystics By Lawrence S. Cunningham May 17, 2018 Books Spirituality Religious Life
Article A Wake-Up Call to Liberal Theologians Academic theology needs the church as much as the church needs theology By Massimo Faggioli May 16, 2018 Theology U.S. Catholicism Higher Education Vatican II
Article A Purpose-Driven Life The latest book from the philosopher Daniel Dennett is a work of tremendous ambition By John Schwenkler May 15, 2018 Evolution Books Secularism and Modernity
Article Unstilled Longings How, despite its political and cultural travails, Ireland earned an outsized role in making the modern imagination By Peter Quinn May 14, 2018 Books Foreign Affairs
Feature Protecting Religious Liberty Why should religious beliefs warrant accommodation when they conflict with other people’s interests? By Bernard G. Prusak May 14, 2018 Secularism and Modernity Domestic Affairs
Article Leisure Suits Her Patricia Hampl expounds on the value of a certain kind of psychic space, which she refers to as “leisure” By Celia Wren May 12, 2018 Secularism and Modernity Arts Books
Article How Can It Be True? It’s easy to assume that bishops who transferred priests accused of abuse were doing it to avoid scandal. But it’s also possible that they were like me By Jo McGowan May 11, 2018 Sexual-abuse Crisis Columnists Ethics
Article Half the Story New historical perspectives on how church’s stance toward the modern world changed (and didn’t) By Peter Steinfels May 9, 2018 U.S. Catholicism Books Vatican II Secularism and Modernity
Article Hold Out for Joy Holiness should neither scare nor bore us By The Editors May 8, 2018 Pope Francis Spirituality Theology Editorial
Feature How Religion Got Trump Re-examining the role of faith in the 2016 election By Kenneth L. Woodward May 7, 2018 Election 2016 Donald Trump Secularism and Modernity
Feature The Bishops’ Brief Against the Ban However the Supreme Court rules on Trump’s ban on migration from Muslim nations, the USCCB’s brief stakes out an authentic Catholic position on Islam By Paul Moses April 26, 2018 Muslim-Christian Relations Domestic Affairs Donald Trump U.S. Catholicism Bishops
Article Do Catholic Theology Departments Have a Future? Catholic academic theology is undergoing a severe stress test By Michael J. Hollerich May 18, 2018 Higher Education Theology U.S. Catholicism
Article Talk in Your Town Being in regular conversation with other Commonweal readers has been rewarding and fun By Ann Redpath May 3, 2018 U.S. Catholicism Media The Last Word
Feature He stopped saying “Get rid of it,” but was not going to give up his career or lead a monogamous life with a Coloured wife from Cape Town Between Worlds By Rose Rappoport Moss May 2, 2018 Fiction
Article Poem | Sweet Potato Elegy “I used to think a tumor like a stone / or tuber could be lifted from the land // it lodged in. This was not so” By John Linstrom May 2, 2018 Poetry
Article Letters | Bad translations, considering death and putting it off Readers discuss liturgical translation, the questions death makes us ask, and more By The Editors May 2, 2018 Letters