Massimo Faggioli worked in the “John XXIII Foundation for Religious Studies” in Bologna between 1996 and 2008 and received his Ph.D. from the University of Turin in 2002. He moved to the US in 2008, where he was visiting fellow at the Jesuit Institute at Boston College between 2008 and 2009. Dr. Faggioli was assistant and then associate professor in the Theology Department of the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul (Minnesota) between 2009 and 2016. He his now professor in the department of Theology and Religious Studies at Villanova University. He writes regularly for Italian and American newspapers and journals on the Church, religion and politics.

His articles and essays have been published in eight languages. His most recent books are: Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning (2012; Italian translation and Portuguese translation, 2013); True Reform. Liturgy and Ecclesiology in “Sacrosanctum Concilium” (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2012; Italian translation, 2013; German translation, 2015); John XXIII. The Medicine of Mercy (Liturgical Press, 2014); Pope Francis and a World Church (Rome: Armando, 2014; in English by Paulist Press, 2015); Sorting Out Catholicism. Brief History of the new Ecclesial Movements (Liturgical Press, 2014); A Council for the Global Church. Receiving Vatican II in History (Fortress Press, 2015); La onda larga del Vaticano II. Por un nuevo posconcilio (Univ. Alberto Hurtado Press - Santiago de Chile, 2017); Catholicism and Citizenship: Political Cultures of the Church in the Twenty-First Century (Liturgical Press, 2017).

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