Feature Evolution & Revelation Religious experience and beliefs offer ways of addressing a human need and materially improving our circumstances. By Stephen J. Pope August 8, 2022 Evolution Science Bioethics Books
Article Evolution & Racism The evolving scientific consensus against racial hierarchies strengthens church teachings about equality and human dignity. By John P. Slattery February 4, 2020 Evolution Bioethics Race Vatican II Technology
Article Saving Adam Given advances in scientific discovery, does it make sense to establish a place for the Genesis account of creation? By John W. Farrell June 25, 2018 Evolution Theology Secularism and Modernity
Article A Purpose-Driven Life The latest book from the philosopher Daniel Dennett is a work of tremendous ambition By John Schwenkler May 15, 2018 Evolution Books Secularism and Modernity
Article South of the South Pole There is a basic metaphysical concern that underlies Hawking’s questions: Why does the universe exist? By Santiago Ramos April 24, 2018 Secularism and Modernity Theology Evolution
Article In the Presence of Mystery Though scientists resist explanations of faith, fashion and fantasy, Roger Penrose shows that all three are at work in how scientists think about the universe By Paul Johnston February 19, 2018 Books Evolution Secularism and Modernity