The Trump-Vance presidency has the characteristics of an “übermagisterium” aiming to replace the teaching of the Church with a political-religious ideology.
Regardless of the Trump administration’s work on the ceasefire deal, it does not appear as if it will act with greater concern for Palestinian lives than the previous one.
If Musk and Ramaswamy get their way, working-class Trump voters will have to fend for themselves so that the government can balance the budget and lower taxes for the rich.
Deeply committed to the principles of Catholic social teaching, Archbishop Roberto González Nieves has been a moral voice on every major social issue in Puerto Rico in the past generation.
"Ramos and Baldelomar speak as if Latino identity were currently diseased. But our history, while indeed plagued by some bad ideas, is also full of antibodies."
Highlighting the link between family unity and immigration might be a way to sway the hearts of conservative Catholics who’ve fallen for Trump’s vile claims against immigrants.
The Trump campaign capitalized on the opportunity to reach groups of voters that Democratic leaders have taken for granted. Latinos are one such group.
"For now, I am holding it together by redoubling my commitment to living in a way that cuts against Trump's cynicism, fear mongering, and braggadocio."