The Trump-Vance presidency has the characteristics of an “übermagisterium” aiming to replace the teaching of the Church with a political-religious ideology.
A father and son pair of biblical scholars insist that changing one’s mind about sexuality is legitimated by the way Scripture shows God changing his mind.
What drove me out of Shiloh Fellowship was not exorcism but the emphasis on subjective emotion to the exclusion of almost everything else, including Christian doctrine.
This jubilee’s theme, “Pilgrims of Hope,” is meant to offer a message of comfort to victims of international warfare, the pandemic, and climate change.
Deeply committed to the principles of Catholic social teaching, Archbishop Roberto González Nieves has been a moral voice on every major social issue in Puerto Rico in the past generation.
If you’re looking for a Christmas gift for a music lover who enjoys English history, this well-written, thoroughly researched history of Handel's 'Messiah' might be the choice.
Highlighting the link between family unity and immigration might be a way to sway the hearts of conservative Catholics who’ve fallen for Trump’s vile claims against immigrants.
Kant’s work was considered such a threat to Church teachings that even scholars needed special permission from their bishop or religious superior to consult it.
"Ceasing to attend to the inner theater and looking instead at the Christian story of death would place Christians where they belong: in the open before their God."
The synodal process and the Final Document suggest that Catholicism is moving in the direction of a more participatory and missionary Church—if slowly.