Constitutional issues—like guns or speech—are often seen as coming from opposite points of the ideological spectrum. But they may be more similar than we think.
Thanksgiving is at once the most traditional of holidays and the most radical. Even the best things we do are contingent on support and help from others.
In this episode, Commonweal editors and writers discuss what they've been reading this summer, touching on everything from David Hockney and Robert Caro to Jia Tolentino and Rick Steves.
The sport of hurling speaks volumes about Ireland. The country’s glories and perversities are both scrutinized and celebrated in Edna O’Brien’s novels.
The history of the Children's Crusade deepens my understanding of the present: yes, the “little ones” suffer, but they retain a sense of dignity, even hope.
Little of the critique mounted by Fountain qualifies as entirely original, but Fountain’s voice invests his testimony with an authority that commands respect
In an era of looming climate apocalypse and aimless elites, the Enlightenment has the potential to anchor projects of social emancipation and ecological sanity
In the second novel from one of the founding editors of n+1, readers travel to a country where the market is god, and the guy in charge is a crude thug
Contrary to long-held romantic narratives, Vampires haunted the most cutting-edge social, theological, political, and medical thinking in enlightened Europe
A journalists embeds himself among the rancher militia, led by Ammon Bundy, and faults the famous 2016 Oregon standoff for its warped concept of freedom
A new graphic novel portrays a world of military coups, propaganda, minority rights, Christian-Muslim tension, and reactionary sexual norms through a child’s gaze
Matt Young’s retrospective look at his time as an enlisted Marine in an ongoing era of endless war is as darkly entertaining as it is crude and salacious
Steven P. Millies new book traces the recent history of the American Catholic vote, with particular emphasis on abortion and an increasingly politicized USCCB
A new book on how social and economic institutions have shaped millennials poses questions for churches that wish to build a more humane way of living together