I was watching Nightline last week, which proposed two stories as among the most significant stories on religion in 2007.One was about a "Garden of Eden" Diet, which encourages people to eat like Adam and Eve did (mainly vegetarian) for long life and vigorous health. The other was about the "God-Men" Movement, which maintains that Christianity has become, well, too wimpy.Leaving aside the burning questions that arise about consistency in approach between these two Christian groups (e.g., Do Real God-Men Eat Quiche?), it strikes me as highly implausible that these two stories are among the most important stories about religion in the past year.So let's make our own list. What do you think are the top religion stories of 2007?

Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor in the Theology Department and Law School at Boston College.

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