Category: Cutting off your nose [despite /in spite of/ to spite...pick one!] your face. You may also be shooting yourself in the foot!"SBA [Susan B. Anthony] List is engaged in a multimillion-dollar attack on its former allies, replete with bus tours and billboards alleging that members voted for taxpayer-funded abortion. The group invested $1.5 million in its Votes Have Consequences bus tour in August, targeting anti-abortion Democrats who supported health reform. Just last week, SBA List spent $55,000 on 32 billboards dotting the districts of three vulnerable Democrats."Kathy Dahlkamper (D.-PA) is in their sights: All along, I have donated. I have marched. I have been an unmarried pregnant woman who chose life. I have lived this. Now Im 52, and in the last six months, all of a sudden, people are questioning who I am.Q: Who benefits from wiping out pro-life Democrats? A:.....hint: it begins with an R.

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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