I leave for Rome tomorrow, and, upon landing (safely, speriamo!), will make for San Clemente and the ritual candles for friends, both living and dead.Thanks to the Methodist liturgist, theologian, and ecumenist, Geoffrey Wainwright, I have a new (to me) prayer/poem by the 17th century Anglican-Puritan divine, Richard Baxter, to recite:

As for my friends, they are not lost;The several vessels of Thy fleet,Though parted now, by tempests tossed,Shall safely in the haven meet.Still we are centred all in Thee,Members, though distant, of one Head;In the same family we be,By the same faith and Spirit led.Before Thy throne we daily meetAs joint-petitioners to Thee;In spirit we each other greet,And shall again each other see.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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