Gary Sick has posted his article from Le Monde Diplomatique. He argues a quite different case than the one dominating the U.S. media (and my own posts here at dotCommonweal). Among other points, he argues that Iran's real weapon of mass destruction, especially for Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal, is cutbacks in oil production brought on by Western sanctions. As well, he plays out the need for genuine diplomatic engagement. At his blog: Gary's Choices."Sick served on the National Security Council under Presidents Ford, Carter, and Reagan. He was the principal White House aide for Iran during the Iranian Revolution and the hostage crisis. Sick is a captain (ret.) in the U.S. Navy, with service in the Persian Gulf, North Africa, and the Mediterranean." from his resume at Columbia.News from the sheep's entrails: Jeffrey Goldberg's interview with President Obama.Two reactions to the interview, neither happy with the President: Pat Lang and Steve ClemonsAn Iranian-American journalist argues that the sanctions are likely to have the opposite of their intended goals (they will stiffen the resolve of ordinary Iranians). NYTimes.

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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