How about a big Catholic hug?No surprise, the GOP's new favorite quickly walked back his statements last week about life beginning at "implantation," and all is right with the Right.Not that he was going to get hammered. But Gingrich's fast course correction may be another indicator of the necessary discipline of a front-runner, and one who needn't take any chances with the Iowa vote looming in less than a month.Gingrich's pro-life lapse and retraction may also be seen in the same context as his remarks on immigration last month that seemed to open the door to some form of amnesty for millions of illegals. But Gingrich started backing up that bus pretty quickly.The NYTimes has an interesting piece up on why Newt's Big Thoughts often backfire. I am starting to think Gingrich could actually win this thing, but it's still a long way to Jan. 3 and the Iowa vote.He'd make things interesting as far as Catholicism in the public square, that's for sure.

Photo:Christopher Halloran /

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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