Sideling Hill, MD (Wikimedia Commons)


Look at the rock cut
to carve the highway
and see the history
of its making —
molten rivers molded
appearing frozen
while working out
their next dissolution,
replenishing plenitude
apparent only
as it’s lavished

What about the earth
that even solid rock
is not, but all in transit,
crazy tracks visible
in marble bands
rumpled like bed sheets —
so full it must brim,
reach, spill, get lost,
carried in capillary
action, in endless
emptying and

Elizabeth Poreba is a retired New York City high-school English teacher. She has published two collections of poems, Vexed and Self Help: A Guide for the Retiring, and two chapbooks, The Family Profile and New Lebanon. The eighth line of this poem is from Elizabeth Willis’s poem, “And What My Species Did.” “Ruin from the air” is a reference to the book by the same name, written by Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan Witts.

Also by this author
Published in the July 6, 2018 issue: View Contents
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