Elliott Abrams, former Reagan Administration official, neo-con, and ardent Israel supporter has a blog at CFR. Reading it reminds me that there is always an alternative future when it comes to the Israelis and Palestinians.The new Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi has been meeting with Hamas officials and there are reports that the Egyptian border will soon be opened to Palestinians living in Gaza, and that down the road Gaza may be linked to the Egyptian electricity grid and natural gas pipeline. Gaza currently gets it energy from Israel.In analyzing this, Abrams suggests that the Palestinians currently divided politically between Fatah in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza may ultimately go their own way. "An opening of the border and a reliance on Egypt for energy will cut ties between Gaza and Israel and closely connect Gaza to Egypt while the West Bank faces Jordan. In the short run the impact may be small, but over the years it seems likely that Gaza and the West Bank will grow further and further apart."Of course, Jordan does not want to become the home of the West Bank Palestinians, nor does it want to govern them in the West Bank. That's a hitch in Abram's imaginings. Turning over the Palestinians to the neighbors is no doubt a resolution that the Netanyahu government would gladly welcome.

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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