Legatus, a Group of Catholic business people, have decided to sue HHS over the contraception mandate. Most troublingly, they have chosen the public-interest law firm of the Thomas More Center to do so.As their website clearly indicates, the Thomas More Center favors religious liberty -- for Christians. But not for Muslims. (More here.) Their key issues include defending the religious freedom of Christians and confronting the threat of Islam.Here's what they say about religious liberty for Christians:

The Christian values upon which this Nation was founded are under attack. The ACLU and like-minded organizations are using sympathetic courts to destroy the religious and moral foundations of our great nation. Using the metaphor, a wall of separation between church and state, which is found nowhere in our Constitution, they attack crosses, Ten Commandment monuments, Nativity displays, Christmas celebrations in public schools, the Pledge of Allegiance, our national motto, In God We Trust and prayers at public meetings. The main battleground in this culture war is the courtroom and that is where the Thomas More Law Center is defending the religious freedom of Christians.

And here's what they say about Muslims:

Radical Muslims and Islamic organizations in America take advantage of our legal system and are waging a Stealth Jihad within our borders. Their aim is to transform America into an Islamic nation. They have already infiltrated the highest levels of our government, the media, our military, both major political parties, public schools, universities, financial institutions and the cultural elite. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, political leaders still claim Islam is a religion of peace. Our national leaders refuse to identify Radical Islam as the enemy. Political correctness has paralyzed our governments ability to deal with these threats. That is why the Thomas More Law Center has been at the forefront of legal battle against this internal threat.

In my view, they're not advocating religious liberty -- they're advocating re-establishment of their favored religion. And talk of Muslims "infiltrating" our public life cannot be interpreted as anything other than rank prejudice. Much the same thing was said about Catholics at one point in this nation's history.Are the nation's top Catholic business men and women so religiously prejudiced? I don't believe so. But then who made the decision to go with this firm? Tom Monaghan founded both Legatus and the Thomas More Center.Cardinal Dolan's picture is prrominently featured on their website. If I were he, I'd ask them to take it down.

Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor in the Theology Department and Law School at Boston College.

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