What are dissident voices saying to the military and the government in Pakistan? Here's one "Sulks and Self-Delusion" published in the English language version of Dawn. Not exactly Glenn Greenwald, but asking some good questions. "LOST in the strident blame game between Islamabad and Washington in the aftermath of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad is any clarity about the basis of their relationship. While conspiracy theories and accusations are being hurled back and forth, nobody`s asking: what next? This confusion is more pronounced in Pakistan where a humiliated high command is issuing angry statements to little purpose. One example of its fury emerged when Maj-Gen John Campbell, US commander of forces in eastern Afghanistan, said that for two days, he could get no response at all from his Pakistani counterpart."And the link to Dawn for those keeping abreast.UPDATE: Apropos of Syria's strategy discussed below, there is this from Anthony Shadid of the NYTimes on yesterday's Israel-Syria border incidents. And here is Juan Cole on the range of incidents that accompanied the Palestinian observance of Nakba, "The Arab Spring Comes to Israel" (Warning: not for the closed minded; may bring on apoplexy).

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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