After months of media frenzy and, after November 2, days of hysterical chatter, finally someone gets it right--Ross Douthat (I won't say of all people, but this is the best column he's written for the Times):"The Unready Republicans.""When a political party suffers two consecutive thrashings at the polls, its supporters can usually look forward to a long period of exile a time to lick wounds, settle scores, feud over policy and gradually map out a road back to relevance."Not so the Obama-era Republicans." we wondered why Republican candidates wouldn't say what they'd do in office!UPDATE: Anne Applebaum--not a liberal--has a zinger of a column on the contradictions in the Republican agenda. "Even if some legal obstacle prevents her from becoming senator, Murkowski's write-in campaign got the most votes. When offered a direct choice, in other words, the majority of Alaskans chose the corrupt, big-spending Republican Party of Murkowski over the shallow, hypocritical radicalism of Miller." this: "Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is maneuvering behind the scenes to defeat a conservative plan aimed at restricting earmarks, setting up a high-stakes showdown that pits the GOP leader and his Old Bull allies against Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and a new breed of conservative senators."Read more:

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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