For those following the flotilla story, there are increasing amounts of info and disinfo. Hard to say which is which. The Times's blog, the LEDE has a variety of reports and comments from the people on the boat who have now been released and most of them deported by the Israelis. Here: Greenwald has a rundown of the back and forth of claims by the IDF and the protestors, including his stern criticism of the U.S. media coverage (especially it seems TV coverage), which seems to have so far bought the IDF version of events., it appears that our Vice-President came out on "Charlie Rose" in a full-blown defense of the IDF's actions. Seems he has his own foreign policy on this still-developing story. Hmmm!The Times begins to meld the stories (June 5): usual and no surprise the morally compelling voice is Jewish: is an effort to explain VP Biden's Israeli policy: Uri Avnery remembers the "Exodus" and the British blockade of Palestine meant to keep Jewish refugees from coming to Palestine. He applies the lessons here: Guess who plays the British this time round?

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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