Today's New York Times has a sobering op-ed by the sober-minded Benny Morris. It should be required reading for team Obama. Here's the ending:

Between 1948 and 1982 Israel coped relatively well with the threat from conventional Arab armies. Indeed, it repeatedly trounced them. But Irans nuclear threat, the rise of organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah that operate from across international borders and from the midst of dense civilian populations, and Israeli Arabs growing disaffection with the state and their identification with its enemies, offer a completely different set of challenges. And they are challenges that Israels leaders and public, bound by Western democratic and liberal norms of behavior, appear to find particularly difficult to counter.Israels sense of the walls closing in on it has this past week led to one violent reaction. Given the new realities, it would not be surprising if more powerful explosions were to follow.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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