I saw it last night. Four quick comments.1. The movie is about the clothes. The people are essentially minor characters, who wear the clothes.2. There is a sense of humor about the clothes. Carrie's first wedding dress (from Vogue) had a turquoise bird on the veil, which, conjoined with her upswept hair style, made her look like Elsa Lanchester in the Bride of Frankenstein. Since Mr. Big looks like a little like Dracula (widow's peak, black hair, white skin, white shirt, black suit), it really worked. In the end, Carrie got married in a no-label dress, a welcome signifier, after two and a half hours of clothes, that life is not about the clothes, after all.3. The theater was totally segregated. There wasn't a Y chromosome in the room.4. The movie isn't going to win any academy award, but it does deal with a taboo subject in Hollywood ---growing older.

Cathleen Kaveny is the Darald and Juliet Libby Professor in the Theology Department and Law School at Boston College.

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