I hesitate (though not enough to stop, of course) to post something about Harry Potter, as I've never read the series, and have seen just a couple of the movies. They seem fine, not the Apocalypse.Like much other great children's fiction that I missed the first time around, I'll probablyget to them in a few years as my daughter gets older. My hesitation stems from the passion such threads provoke, a passion generally matched only by posts on the liturgy. Which is why this is so great: apropos (sort of) of an earlier postabout an Osservatore Romano essay advocating kneeling and receiving comunion on the tongue, the Vatican's official newspaper is back at it! Now they have dueling essays on the merits--or demerits--of Harry Potter.Check out the CNS story. Again, the paper's new management seems eager to prompt debate, or at least make the paper more interesting, and perhaps more widely read. And it is interesting that the current Pope was not at all a fan of HP's influence on kids. On the other hand, would they allow a Point/Counterpoint on the proper attitude for receiving communion?

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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