This from Mat Bai, who covered Obama in New Hampshire, for the NYTimes:"The problem here is that Obamas pattern of support in New Hampshire, should it be repeated elsewhere, would place him squarely in the tradition of your classic liberal insurgentthis years Bill Bradley or Howard Dean. Obviously, there are some crucial differences: Obama will lay claim to some substantial portion of black voters in upcoming states, which past insurgents have not, and he has already had more success than Bradley or Dean. So I dont mean to suggest that he is doomed to suffer anything like the same fate. But he does seem to be entering a perilous moment where his well-funded campaign could easily become this years cause or movement, rather than a candidacy with the kind of broad support you need to get you through to the convention. Liberal causes built on beautiful speeches and campus rallies never really win the nomination; they just fade into noble lore, fondly remembered by a that breed of Democrat who seems to view losing as a kind of moral validation. " (Sounds familiar!)Read the whole thing; interesting:

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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