As those near and dear--and not so near and dear--will attest I have never been a Hillary fan. I'm still not. My horror goes back to an article in the Harvard Education Review (circa 1970s, maybe) on children's rights. It was clear she didn't know a thing about children and parents--probably she wasn't a parent yet.Soooo... And nonetheless....I did vote for her in the NY Senate race. And if it came to that, I'd vote for her for president. Or Obama... Or...I would have liked to vote for Biden.But it is clear from many, too many conversation, many women do not like Hillary. Why? A fan of hers tried to explain it to me a few weeks ago---they just hate her. Maybe Jean Raber caught something when she wrote below that Hillary comes across like a mother who is about to nag you for something (or something like that, sorry Jean).The fact is, as I can attest, it is hard for women to make their way as first anything. Such women may develop defenses and offenses to keep themselves on track..defenses and offenses men can side-step. These put off both men and women who areaccustomed to men's leadership styles and maneuvers (although I'll never get used to GW Bush's!)Still, at this juncture, I think Hillary is the best prepared person to jump into office on Day 1 and keep on. Perhaps because she has used /manipulated powerful people and been manipulated by them, she seems to have a better feel for how you get powerful people to get on your policy bandwagon. Sorry Grant, I just don't see that with Obama (who to quote "is no John F. Kennedy").

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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