In my post below (Reading for the week) and on Patrick Lang's blog, there has been a  furious attack on the very notion of diplomacy. So as a thought exercise I am listing Iraq's neighbors with some brief thoughts about why and how it is in their self-interest to back an area-wide negotiation. Add your ideas.

Saudi Arabia: its Shiite minority may look to Iraqi Shiites for training, weapons, etc. Block Saudi funds from going to Sunni insurgents in Iraq and take the lead in a peace process with Israel.

Jordan: a huge Iraqi refugee population  is potentially explosive for this already divided country. Offer Amman for an opening conference.

Turkey: would benefit economically from Kurdish oil flow through its pipeline and ports; keep Kurdistan in Iraq and short-circuit a Iraqi Kurd-PPK alliance.

Syria: give back the Golan Heights in exchange for hands-off Lebanon,  controling its border with Iraq, and making a peace (alright a cold peace) with Israel.

Israel: revive the Saudi peace proposal, win some allies in the neighborhood, stop listening to the U.S. neocons, give back the Golan Heights!

Iran: let Iraq, Turkey, and the Saudis talk to Iran.

You get the idea....

Update:  Talk about the incompetent leading the obtuse. Israeli Prime Minster Olmert has said he will not negotiate with Syria because it would undermine President Bush. I thought the U.S. wasn't negotiating with Syris because among other reasons it would undermine Israel! This from the Forward:

Comments on the Forward article on Patrick Lang's blog…

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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