Everyone, including President Obama, has thrown the towel (as well as a wet rag and dirty bar of soap) at the IRS. Today the New York Times looks up some of those who have complained about the hoops they claim to have had to jump through in order to become a non-tax entity. Guess what? Yes, some of them (and there are examples in the story) gave the IRS folks good reason to examine their applications. A former head of the IRS tax-exempt unit says the inspector general's report is careless in treating language that court decision's have previously found legal in assessing applications. So will he hear the last of this scandale? Story here.

NATURE NOTES: Lillacs, lillies of the valley, and violets--bumper crop. One fire fly sitting by the stove waiting for things to warm up.

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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