The Belgian-Canadian polemicist and American resident Mark Steyn has set his face firmly against the Saracen hordes of Europe. His new jeremiad, America Alone, outlines in fearful detail the dread consequences of an over-reproducing Muslim community settled in the very heart of a post-Christian continent. Steyn's alarmist summons to arms, over simplification of complex geo-political realities, blatant appeals to nativist and xenophobic sympathies, and undiluted "redneckery" makes for disturbing reading. He is also an enthralling and clever writer who should be read for his prose and not for the cogency of his arguments. 

Michael W. Higgins is the Basilian Distinguished Fellow in Contemporary Catholic Thought, University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto, and Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Conn. He is currently writing a book on Pope Francis for House of Anansi Press.

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