Hope in him, all you assembly of the people. Pour your hearts out before him (Ps 61[62]: 9). Dont give in to those who are asking you, Where is your God? My tears, the Psalmist says elsewhere, have become my bread day and night while they say to me everyday: where is your God?And what does the Psalmist say there? These things I considered, and I poured out my soul above me (Ps 41[42]: 4-5). I remembered what I hear, Where is your God? Seeking my God, I poured out my soul above me so that I might reach him; I didnt remain in myself. Hope in him, all you assembly of the people. Pour your hearts out before him, praying, confessing, hoping. Dont restrain your hearts inside your hearts: Pour out your hearts before him. What you pour out is not lost. For he is my protector. Cast your care upon the Lord (Ps 54[55]:23), and hope in him. Pour out your hearts before him, God our helper. (Augustine, EnPs 61[62], 14; PL 36. 740)

Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak, professor emeritus of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America, is a retired priest of the Archdiocese of New York.

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