Well,at least that is what Archbishop Henry Mansell wants Connecticut parishoners to believe.A letter was read in parishes across the diocese this morning encouraging the faithful to take action. From what I hear, bus trips to Hartford are also being organized to protest state legislature Bill 1098. Now, I am no legal scholar, so I was hoping some of you who are, could weigh in on the constitutionality of the measure and clarify the practical and legal ramifications of it. It seems to me that the bill is saying that if parishoners want to form a "corporation" that would oversee the business dealings of their localchurch that is autonomous from the clergy, the law would recognize such an entity. However, the clergy would retain control of the "religious" affairs of the parish. This certainly seems controversial, but is it unconstitutional? And what legal power would such a "corporation" have to seize control of the practical matters of running the parish?

Eric Bugyis teaches Religious Studies at the University of Washington Tacoma.

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