On the Third Sunday of Lent, March 7, 2010, Benedict XVI visited the new parish church of Saint John of the Cross in Rome. He concluded his homily with these words:

By revealing his Name, God establishes a relationship between himself and us. He enables us to invoke him, he enters into relations with us and gives us the possibility of being in a relationship with him. This means that he gives himself, in a certain way, to our human world, becoming accessible, as if he were one of us. He faces the risk of the relationship, of being with us. What began in the burning bush in the desert is accomplished in the burning bush of the Cross where God, having become accessible in his Son made man, really became one of us, is put into our hands and, in this way, realizes the liberation of humanity. On Golgotha God, who during the night of the flight from Egypt revealed himself as the One who frees us from slavery, reveals himself as the One who embraces every human being with the saving power of the Cross and the Resurrection. God liberates us from sin and death and accepts us in the embrace of his love.

Let us remain in contemplation of this mystery of God's Name, the better to understand the mystery of Lent and to live as individuals and as communities in permanent conversion, so as to be a constant epiphany in the world, a witness of the living God who sets us free us and saves us out of love. Amen.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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