I have discovered lately (and belatedly) the religious music of the Scottish Catholic composer, James MacMillan.

I am growing to love his Mass, performed wonderfully by the men and boys of the Westminster Cathedral Choir (Hyperion CD).

The Mass is a setting of the English translation of the Novus Ordo and includes a sung Eucharistic Prayer that one can play and use for prayer.

The "Holy, Holy, Holy" evokes something of the awe Isaiah must have experienced that long ago day in the Temple.

Also included on the recording are some of MacMillan's other religious compositions, including "A Child's Prayer."

The simple text is sung by a boy treble and conveys a remarkable sense of innocence and ecstasy:

Welcome Jesu,
Deep in my soul forever stay,
Joy and love my heart are filling
On this glad Communion day.

Does anyone else know MacMillan's work?

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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