The cross of the Lord is the key by which closed things can be opened. (Augustine, EnPs 45[46], 1; PL 36, 514)Our slow hearts would not follow did Truth not see fit to walk even with the slow. (De continentia, 4)Dont live, then, according to your own lights; thats how you got lostbut you were sought. No, dont live by your own lights; thats how you got lostbut you were found. (De continentia, 11)Its good for a sinner to be brought low. No one is more incurable than one who thinks himself healthy (Augustine, EnPs 58[59], II, 8; PL 36, 711).Youre so blind youre also deaf (Augustine, EnPs 63[64], 11; PL 36, 765).The souls natural warmth is the love of God. (Aquinas on Ps 13:1)

Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak, professor emeritus of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America, is a retired priest of the Archdiocese of New York.

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