A lot now happening over on our website, where the new issue is live along with some online exclusives. Take the holiday week to take a look.From the Commonweal editors:

Republicans complain that President Obamas executive order makes permanent immigration reform more difficultan ungrounded assertion intended to obscure the fact that most Republican lawmakers still want nothing to do with real reform.

Read the entire editorial here.Paul C. Saunders examines the thinking of John Roberts in upholding the Affordable Care Act:

What makes this odd is that nobody actually thought it was a tax. When the ACA was passed and signed into law, both Congress and President Barack Obama said explicitly that it was not a tax and no lower court sustained the act on that basis. So what happened?

You can read the rest of the analysis here.William Pfaff, seeing the rise of an "irreversible oligarchy" in the United States, says it's time to acknowledge the man who predicted it some seventy years ago: James Burnham, author of The Managerial Revolution. Meanwhile, Steven Englund looks at France, post-Sarkosy, and whether Franois Hollande and the Socialists can fix things.And Richard Alleva reviews Wes Anderson's latest, Moonrise Kingdom.

Dominic Preziosi is Commonweal’s editor. Follow him on Twitter.

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