This lady is, as they say, a piece of work. Sarah Palin showed up in Iowa -- "Oh, there's a straw poll going on?!" -- and set Republican hearts aflutter. She spoke to David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network:

Sarah Palin on the criticism that her appearance in Iowa is upstaging the presidential candidates that are gathered here: Those type of false accusations, I'll again, ignore them and repeat the truth, and that is as part of our One Nation Tour it's great to get to be here with grateful acceptance to visit the Iowa State Fair.I think that some folks could, critics could write a story saying that I snubbed Iowa if we didn't come to the State Fair this year. So, I'm very thankful to accept the invitation extremely happy to be here.Sarah Palin on whether shes going to run for president:There is still a lot of contemplation that goes on within a family, deciding whether to engage in such a life-changing venture, putting yourself forward in the name of service, in such a position as President of the United States. So, we're still thinking about it, and the impact on family. Family comes first in my life, and I just don't want to adversely affect the family. So, we're still talking about it, thinking about it. And that's what I want supporters to understand. At the same time, I want to be very fair to supporters and not keep them hanging on in perpetuity. It's fair to them to give them an answer here, in short order, so that they can jump on board with someone else. And/or to decide for themselves what they want to do. So, still haven't made up my mind, haven't decided when that announcement would be yet.David Brody: Is that short order by the end of September? October?Sarah Palin: I think that that is a fair timeline for people, because Fall time, they can start getting engaged with different campaigns, but still thinking about it, and really, really desiring to be a participant in the positive change that needs to happen in this country. Economy getting back on the right track. Jobs created for Americans, I want to be a part of that whether it be as a candidate, or as a supporter of the right candidate. I'm still in that decision making phase.David Brody: The most important question: Are you going to have fried butter on a stick?Sarah Palin: I cannot wait to go get my fried butter on a stick, and fried cheesecake on a stick andTwinkies, especially in honor of those who would rather just be forced to eat our peas. I cannot wait to go down by the food court.

The "eat your peas" reference was to President Obama's line about trying to get Congress to make politically difficult decisions. She's having none of that, I guess.So we have her until September or October. Or should I say Republican voters have her. There is something terribly high school about her. Maybe that'll be perfect for "a time such as this," as her role model, Queen Esther, put it.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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