William Saletan has some good advice for participants in the president's abortion-reduction meetings.

Dear Ms. Barnes and other pro-choice participants in these meetings: Please give up this distinction [between "reducing the need for abortions" and "reducing abortions"]. No ordinary person sees a difference between reducing abortions and reducing the need for abortions. You just look like you're refusing to admit that abortions are worth reducing.(...)Dear Dr. Land and other pro-life participants: You say that life begins at conception and that millions of unborn lives are stake. Back up those statements. Decide whether you're going to be anti-abortion or anti-contraception.(...)Dear Ms. Page and other pro-choicers: Imagine some lunatic going to Kansas and murdering the head of a pro-life pregnancy center. Imagine reading in the newspaper that the pro-lifers you've been meeting with are now reluctant to "make nice" with you because, they say, the murderer is part of your "family." You would go ballistic, and rightly so. Please show the other side the same fairness you would expect.(...)Dear pro-lifers: A ban on funding reproductive health groups that perform abortions is too much to demand. If you want to fight direct funding of abortions, fine. But the indirect funding Obama restored is hardly radical.

Do read the whole thing.

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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