If you are following the Notre Dame/Obama flap, you might be tempted to think that being consistently and vocally opposed to legal abortion would protect you from having your invitations to speak at Catholic institutions of higher education criticized by the Catholic Right. You'd be wrong, though. Here' s an interesting news item from Scranton:

[Scranton Bishop Joseph] Martino issued a statement Friday stating Kings College decision to have [Senator Robert] Casey address the college graduates was insulting to the pro-life community because Casey voted last week to support ex-Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services.[Martino's] statement read: I do not believe he has the moral stature to stand before the graduates of a Catholic college to address them about their futures and the challenges they will face when on the most important issue of the daythe sanctity of human life he cannot muster the courage to oppose the pro-abortion agenda which is currently being promoted in Washington.

So, as I understand Martino's position, consistently opposing legal abortion, both by speaking out on the issue and by opposing specific items of legislation (as Casey has done), is not enough to qualify you to speak at a Catholic college. You must agree with each and every one of the good Bishop's prudential judgments about exactly how to go about forwarding that agenda. If you do dare to disagree with Bishop Martino about whether opposing a particular nominee to head HHS is the right place to take your stand, you will no longer be deemed to be a person with sufficient moral stature to be fit to address Catholic college students and your invitation will be interpreted as an "insult" to the pro-Life movement. Got it?

Eduardo M. Peñalver is the Allan R. Tessler Dean of the Cornell Law School. The views expressed in the piece are his own, and should not be attributed to Cornell University or Cornell Law School.

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