Mark Sticherz notes on the GetReligion blog, that daily expos of how the news media doesn't "get religion," that news organizations did not give much attention to the Catholic vote in the Indiana and North Carolina primaries. For the record, exit polls showed Catholics went for Clinton 61-39 in Indiana and 51-48 in North Carolina.The political reporters may have Catholic vote fatigue by now, but I think the big news organizations participating directly in the exit polling - the TV networks and The Associated Press - need to make more creative use of the exit-poll data available to them. For example, there's been a lot of talk about whether race is a motivating factor in the Catholic vote in Hillary Clinton's favor. But no one has looked at whether there is a disproportionate number of Catholics among those who told the pollster that race was a factor in their vote. Nor have I seen any analysis of the Catholic vote based on income, age or education.The company that is doing the exit polls, Edison-Mitofsky, would have that data and could probably also pool together groups of states if the total number of Catholics surveyed in any one state is too small to be meaningful. The data is available only to the consortium paying for it. It's up to the networks or The AP to ask their pollster for the cross-tabs. So how about it?One other point on the last round of primaries. It's being treated as a given, but Barack Obama's ability to attract above 90 percent of the black vote is extraordinary. Polls early in the campaign indicated that Clinton would be able to get a significant portion of the black vote. It's rare for a politician to win any group above that 90 percent mark and, as far as I can recall, this was the best Obama has done to date with black voters. For all that was said about Obama and Rev. Wright, there might still be something more. Obama, who had said that Wright did not reflect the black church, emerges a tad more popular than ever among black voters.

Paul Moses is the author, most recently, of The Italian Squad: The True Story of the Immigrant Cops Who Fought the Rise of the Mafia (NYU Press, 2023). He is a contributing writer. Twitter: @PaulBMoses.

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