I found bits of it even when
it maybe wasn’t there like clouds
or shadow. I found it when
I wasn’t even looking or didn’t
want it, or it found me when
least expected, but when I tried
to grab, away it squirmed and bit me
hard. How confusing, life!
I’ve often begged it to let me go.
I’ll keep quiet, I say. I won’t say
a word. No one will blame you,
no one will know. I’ll hide away
from it all. Think I care? it says. So
in silence I wait, going nowhere.
Where can I go? I stare out the window.
Sky cold, blue clay, chalk hills, sandstone
shadows stuck to the backs of trees, frost,
until—there! out of nowhere, a swan, red
with dawn, calling Quick! I’m it, you’re it!
And we are, together what goes for the world.