Each day we find ourselves awash in a sea of information. Our social media feeds, newspapers, and cable bring stories of fresh catastrophe, clouding our memory and our judgment. Fake news might be easy to spot, but where can real wisdom be found?

In this episode, we speak with award-winning author Barry Lopez, whose magisterial new book, Horizon, came out earlier this year. A longtime travel writer, Lopez has spent decades living with indigenous peoples. He issues a cautionary word about the dangers of capitalism and climate change, but also points toward the powers of human cooperation and communion with the divine as authentic sources of hope.

Plus, our staff explains big changes coming to your mailbox: we’ve redesigned the print magazine, we're excited to tell you all about what you can look forward to in the new sleeker, longer, monthly Commonweal.

We as a culture are mesmerized by charismatics who know what the answer is. Look where that’s gotten us. - Barry Lopez
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