Forgive me for starting yet another thread, but I simply want to share my joy at the appointment of Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle to be Archbishop of Manila. "Chito," as he is everywhere known, was my student at Catholic University and completed his dissertation under my direction. He was one of the best students I had in over forty years of teaching, but as intelligent and diligent as he was, he was perhaps better known and loved by his professors and by his fellow students for the simplicity and holiness of his life. He could have become the best theologian in the Philippines, or even in all of Asia, if he had been given the opportunity, but in his country the demands for the kind of teaching and preaching that he can offer are so many that a man of his talents will never have much time for reading and writing. And then he was made a bishop, something he never sought, and had to be persuaded was a call from the Church that he really should not refuse. When that happened, I thought to myself, "Well, perhaps, some day he may be moved to Manila."He became more widely known because of the catechesis on the eucharist that he offered at the Eucharistic Congress in Montreal in 2009. You can hear and see it here. And he has been making use of YouTube to spread the word, as you can see illustrated by typing "Chito Tagle" into a search-engine.God bless him. The Church in the Philippines is very fortunate!

Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak, professor emeritus of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America, is a retired priest of the Archdiocese of New York.

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