Now featured on our website: Jeff Madrick on why this year's election could be the most important since 1932 (in spite of progressives' disappointment with Obama, "the alternative is far, far worse"), and Tom Quigley on the differences (and similarities) between the visits of Popes Benedict and John Paul II to Cuba.From Tom's piece:

Benedicts visit was a time to celebrate the slow and orderly emergence of civil society in a country still under the yoke of an oppressive, outmoded ideology. In Cuba there has been a gradual process of civil society achieving greater space, a process accelerated since Ral became head of state in 2008. There is so much more open debate, so much more entrepreneurial innovation, so much more freedom than could have been imagined at the time of John Paul IIs visit in 1998.

Also, Commonweal's editors comment on the "strangely defensive stance" of Mitt Romney when it comes to questions over his finances.

Dominic Preziosi is Commonweal’s editor. Follow him on Twitter.

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