So all along I thought Benedict XVI was getting props for his daring attire, from Prada (or bespoke, still unclear) red shoes to Gucci shades to glittering gold Pio Nono vestments. The Santa Claus camauro, the ermine-trimmed red velvet hat the Pope likes when it's cold, should be coming out any day. But now fashionista Franco Zeffirelli comes along and tells the pontiff,through an interview inLa Stampa, that he shouldn't be wearing "showy" clothes.Um, Zeffirelli telling someone he's too showy? Franco was a consultant to JP2 on such matters, and I never recall Wojtyla being singled out as a fashion plate. Zeffirelli seems to be looking for a job. Or simplyto amuse us bloggistas on a cold Monday morning. Buona giornata a tutti.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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