It seems that Catholic University of America has abruptly cancelled an 11-part lecture series, titled "Building Catholic Communities" (no wisecracks needed) due to the participation of two controversial figures,E. Michael Jones, editor of the South Bend, Ind.-based Culture Wars magazine, and John Sharpe, founder of the Norfolk-based IHS Press and the Legion of St. Louis, an Internet-based forum.The Southern Poverty Law Center denounced the two as "raging anti-Semites" because they apparently espouse views that reject Vatican II reforms and have made disparaging comments about Jews. I don't have much else to go on besides a report from The Washington Times and the SPLC site itself. The two gentlemen do seem to hold problematic views.But two questions present themselves: First, how did they come to be part of such a series? (And why is the Catholic InformationCenter giving them a venue if the bishops' university won't?)And how does this differ--if it does--from issues referred to in various previous posts about "liberal" groups and speakers being denied forums at Catholic sites?(Hat Tip to "Uncle Di"--whoever you are.)

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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